3 Simple Ways to Help You Cope with Anxiety

Living with uncertainty? We all are right now. Anxiety threatens to steal our hope by controlling our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

(Philippians 4)
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1) Take a Break. 2) Touch. 3) Have Some Fun!

We miss the simple things in life when we are too busy going here & there.

You can actually enjoy this time of uncertainty … as strange as it is.

Here are 3 great ideas for you, all proven to be highly effective in managing stress & reducing anxiety.

1. Take a Break

Walk away from media for a few hours every day. Turn it off. Tune out. Constant monitoring is like consuming too much caffeine. Your adrenaline goes into high gear & wears you down. And makes you more susceptible.

2. Touch

The most effective method to instantly reduce anxiety is touch. Just think about a frightened child. The first thing a parent does is hold her.

We all need touch. Even when social distancing has become the norm. Make sure to touch the people in your family. Even brief touch registers in your brain & calms it.

If you live alone, spend some time remembering touch or meditating on the comfort of God’s touch. Recreate it in your mind.
* What does it feel like on your skin?
* What emotions does it produce?

3. Have Some Fun

Go for a walk. Sit in the sun. Dance.

These are the simple things of life we miss when we are too busy going here & there. You can actually enjoy this time, as strange as it is. Soon enough we will all be back at our old routine … hopefully having learned something new about how to relax & enjoy our days.

… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4)

What I Forgot

For a long time now, I’ve been passionately trying to help women make sense of the men they love. Some have understood. But many others are stuck. Why is that?

I knew there was a missing piece. But what was it?

Slowly I have begun to realize that the missing piece concerns my optimism about where we are as women. I have erroneously assumed that women already have the foundation they needed. I forgot how much work I did (and still do) to establish and maintain my own foundation.

Roots must grow before a plant can sprout and bear fruit.

We’re no different.

For the past decade, I have been focusing on the gem of Partnership without giving the other gems their due. That is changing. Starting today.

We women must reclaim our Inner Territory, the place where we develop our Identity.

Then we are ready to claim the Outer Territory of Connection.

It’s simple, yet complex.

Because we move among the gems of life (see graphic) in what often feels like randomness, but is actually a predictable pattern.

We women need discernment to know where we are in the process … and what to do about it.

The underlying assumptions of my approach to Life & Love are based in my belief in Our Creator, as well as my understanding of psychology’s Theory of Attachment.

  1. You need a Constant. Someone Who is Available & Responsive to your needs.
  2. Someone Who is your Safe Haven. Who can heal your broken heart, restore your soul, and fill your spirit with divine confidence.
  3. Someone Who is your Secure Base. Who gives you His wisdom and teaches you to partner with another to bring His goodness to the earth.

Men need deep roots, too.

And I’m planning to write for men as well. But because I am a woman, I’m going to begin with us. And because women have more powerful influence than we realize in the life of the men we love: husbands and fathers, sons and nephews, coworkers and friends.

Watch for more info in my next post!
or subscribe to my newletter here.

Magnificent Peace

And one of the fruits of His Presence is peace. That means it’s already yours. So you can call it up. Rely upon it any time you feel chaos coming your way.

You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in You. ISAIAH 26:3

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” JOHN 14:27

A Surprising Bonus

For the past several years – in the midst of some pretty heavy trials – I have often found that practicing God’s Magnificent Peace spontaneously produces Unspeakable Joy.

Has that ever happened to you?