A Man’s Passion for Life

Without a doubt, a wife’s decision to submit to her husband doesn’t get the best press in today’s culture. Such a woman is thought to be a bit on the crazy side … or not too bright. But nothing could be further from the Truth!

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave himself up for her ….
                         ~ Ephesians 5:25

Yes, Scripture instructs a woman to live for her husband.

But when you read the entirety of Ephesians 5, you realize she doesn’t have the more difficult role. Her husband does because he must be willing to die for her!

The simple fact of the matter is that nothing inspires a godly man more than experiencing the Beauty of his wife.

  • He’s naturally drawn to her strength as she basks in the Joy of the Lord.
  • His heart and soul are softened by the Fruit of the Spirit flowing from her.

And as she chooses to honor him as her leader – to submit to him out of trust and respect for who he is and for who he is becoming – the fullness of his Passion for life automatically propels him forward toward his destiny!

To fulfill his God-Given Purpose in life,
a man must access his Male Passion.

And a wise woman knows how to build up her husband and thereby increase his Masculine Passion to fuel the Power he needs to Produce results.


  • Have you observed any couples who live this way today?
  • How do they do it?
  • Have you asked?