Day 10: Bad Couples Therapy

the right starting point

Dr. William Doherty wrote, “the only form of therapy that received low ratings in a famous national survey of therapy clients, published in 1996 by Consumer Reports, was couples therapy” (see Bad Couples Therapy in Psychotherapy Networker).

He proposed that this problem exists because psychologists, social workers, professional counselors, and psychiatrists have never had even one course in how to conduct marital therapy.

His Bottom Line on Bad Couples Therapy:

Most therapists don’t know what they’re doing and need training.

I was one of the Blessed Ones, I guess. I completed a full semester (elective) course in marital therapy while I was in graduate school. And I did a couple’s Case Study as part of my Professional Qualifying Exam prior to my pre-doctoral internship.

And when I decided to specialize in couples counseling, I read everything I could find about how to do marital therapy well. I took post-graduate courses and even completed a 4-day externship in Houston, Texas.

But as I began to practice, I realized all my training had left out the Key Principles.

Unfortunately, marriage counseling often fails
– simply because it is founded upon the wrong premises.

Here are a few examples …

  • Marriage is a 50-50 partnership.
  • Romance dies a natural, healthy death.
  • There are no God-given gender differences.
  • Men need to learn to express themselves like women do.
  • And we don’t talk about God or spiritual warfare. That’s for preachers.

And here’s my take …

  • Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman before God.
  • God is the Original Romantic, and Romance is what keeps us going.
  • We have many God-given gender differences to be acknowledged and respected.
  • Men do not need to become like women in order to have a happy, healthy marriage.
  • Relationships are – first and foremost – spiritual endeavors. Ignore that, and you lose.

And that’s exactly why I spend so my time talking with you about your spirituality. Without God, you’re fighting a tougher battle than you need to fight. Here’s a short article that you might find helpful: Inside, Outside, Upside Down.


  • How do you see the current issues you have in your relationship?
  • What approaches have you already tried to improve things?
  • Have you asked God for His perspective?
  • What did He say?

Day 9: Instructions for Men

instructions for husbands

God talked to Adam. He gave him specific instructions. About what to do. And what NOT to do. But he didn’t listen. Or obey.

The Lord gave instructions for what to do …

Be fruitful and increase in number;
fill the earth and subdue it.
Rule over the fish in the sea
and the birds in the sky
and over every living creature
that moves on the ground.”
(Genesis 1:28)

… and for what NOT to do …

“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
(Genesis 2:16-17)

But Adam stood by
while Eve had a conversation with a snake.

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food
and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom,
she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband,
who was with her, and he ate it.
(Genesis 3:6)

Adam’s Failure to Follow Instructions

  • He did not take his God-given authority (to rule) over the creature (the snake).
  • Instead of protecting his wife, he stood by and watched.
  • Then he followed his wife’s lead.


  • In what ways have you observed this story of deception and disobedience playing out in marriages today?
  • If you could rewrite Adam and Eve’s story with a happy ending …
    • what would Eve do differently?
    • what would Adam do differently?

Day 8: Sweet Companion

sweet companion

We left off yesterday the with Truth that Adam needs his own Someone. So God does surgery … while Adam’s sleeping, of course. The Lord removes a rib to create his Someone – Someone just for him. Can you imagine Adam’s excitement when he wakes up? A totally cool setup – just for him.

He already has the whole world at his fingertips. Lots of food. Freedom to putter around in a lavish Garden. Then God gives him a wife, too? She’s the perfect addition to make his life the Paradise God wanted him to enjoy.

That’d be better than having control of the remote, don’t you think?
Besides, they were the only two people on Earth at that point
… and the football hadn’t been invented yet.

Just think about it.

Adam has everything going for him. The Garden is pure pleasure for all his senses. Sight, sound, fragrance, taste, touch. Nevertheless, the Lord thinks of one thing more He wants for Adam. God sees Adam’s need, and gives him the Perfect Partner.

His Bride is there to rescue him from being alone. Now he has a Sweet Companion – Someone like him – only different – very different. Someone with whom he can enjoy the pleasures of God’s Creation. Plus they are both totally naked. She’s beautiful beyond words … and totally irresistible.

His own Sweet Companion. Adam can hardly believe his luck!

  • No competition anywhere.
  • Complete Freedom, and no 2-hour commute to work 5 days a week.
  • Plus Endless Rapture with his Sweet Companion.

[callout]Sex with her whenever he’s in the mood
– which I’m guessing is pretty much all the time.[/callout]

And Eve’s only desire is to be beside her Dearest Husband, to give herself completely to him, and to bask in his love. She experiences his desire for her as pure Joy and Bliss.

  • No meals to cook.
  • No dishes to wash.
  • No house to clean.
  • No kids to pick up after.
  • And no dirty laundry to do.

Only a totally Hot Husband who adores her. Lucky girl!

Bonus! God Himself comes down from Heaven in the cool of the evening and walks with them in the Garden. And none of them even care if He walks in on their Lovemaking. After all, it was His idea in the first place, right?

For this reason …

 That is why a man leaves his father and mother
and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
(Genesis 2:24-25)


  • What about this story sounds like you and your mate … in the beginning?
  • If your relationship has gone south since then, when did the trouble begin?
  • What have you done to try to regain the love you once had?