Needy or Openly Vulnerable?


Neediness gets such a bum rap. As one of my mentors told me, “To say that someone is too needy is like saying they are too human.” He was right. We are all needy. We cannot survive very long without one another … or a facsimile thereof.

Do you remember “Wilson,” Tom Hanks’s volleyball friend in the movie Castaway? Human contact is so essential that we will create a face into which we can gaze. Animal, vegetable, or mineral, we derive great comfort in believing that we are not alone.

Learn more!

So if nothing is wrong with being needy, why are men so turned off by it? My guess is that it has nothing to do with a lack of empathy. Most men are wonderfully empathic.

However, inexplicable emotion quickly becomes difficult for most of them because they cannot figure out what the problem is – what it is that you need, what they can do to help.

So like in the movie Jerry McGuire, he might say, “Help me help you.”

So let’s go with vulnerability.

By all means, do tell him how you feel. Just be brief and specific.

It is also okay to cry, as long as you give him something to do that will help you feel better. This is most definitely one of those times when “even guys with two left feet come out alright if the girl is sweet.”

A word of caution here … be sure you’re honestly sharing your needs, concerns, or feelings, and not that you’re moving into manipulation or an attempt to try to fix what you think is wrong with him. More about how to help him become a better man later. But for now … let’s focus on you!

You’re not alone

The Lord knew we’d mess things up. That’s why He had a plan from The Beginning. He knew that, left to ourselves – that is, in our flesh – we’d become self-focused. Try to manipulate and control life – and other people – to meet our own needs.

Yet your current needs are normal and healthy.

Because The Lord Himself gave you those needs. And He wants to fulfill them. In fact, He gave His Son so that your needs could be fully met through Him.

His plan for your life is mystical, to be sure. You’re not of this world.
And it can seem magical at times. But God doesn’t do magic.
He’s very practical and loves the everyday details.

The most important example is a man’s need for companionship. (Genesis 2:18)

  • From a fleshly perspective, a man may use a woman to meet his own needs. And take from her what he wants without regard for who God created her to become as someone created in His likeness.
  • However, a man who is walking in right relationship with God needs a woman to whom he can give all the love he receives from The Lord. That is …
  • A man needs someone to adore.
  • A Special Someone to love outside himself.
  • Loving her keeps him from sinking into perpetual sadness.
    … and/or from becoming a domineering jerk.

The Love a man receives through his relationship with Christ is mystical. He is in Christ, and Christ is in him. That’s God with us, to be sure!

And as a man initiates and demonstrates that Love in his “real-life” relationship with his bride, it becomes the best, most practical display of Jesus‘ Love for His Bride.

Furthermore, woman’s response to her man’s Love
is just as important as her response to Christ.

To be continued …

All this took place to fulfill what The Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they will call him Immanuel” which means “God with us.” (Matthew 1:22-23)

True Love is a Gift

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 4:8a)

True Love doesn’t demand a return.
It only hopes for one.

The Truth about Love: You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made.

Both your biology and your upbringing have shaped who are so far.
And Jesus is growing you to be more like Him everyday.
So don’t let anybody else change you!

And, please, don’t you dare try to change Your Beloved! All of his (her)
likes and dislikes, gifts and talents, strengths and sensitivities
are parts of his (her) Totally Amazing Personality!

Love him (her) just as he (she) is. Jesus does.
Then if Your Beloved needs an upgrade, trust The Lord to do it.