A Quick Turnaround

God's Goodness Leads to RepentanceHow quickly and easily You can turn me around, Papa. I woke up this morning wondering how I could make it through today. Then I thanked You for the Beautiful Dream You gave to me. And the Amazing Possibilities You have shown me for my life. I mean AMAZING! And my mood lifted instantly. You, Lord, are Irresistible!

Nonetheless, I am aware that – in the natural world – I am nowhere near any of that. Even so, my spirit quickens when I think of Your Goodness. Your Everlasting Kindness.

One thought led to another, and I remembered my walks on the Peninsula the summer of 2011. I’d march two miles up the shoreline, recounting all the reasons this would never work. My resolve was firm. I would protect myself. No one would ever hurt me again. I determined to erect a wall strong enough to protect myself from my own vulnerability.

The Repentance of Elizabeth BennetBut somehow, as soon as I made the Turnaround and headed back down the beach, all of my thoughts – and even the direction of my feelings – changed. Suddenly. Effortlessly.

In the words of Miss Elizabeth Bennet,
they were “quite the opposite.”

In a moment’s time, I found myself composing a message. Words that would not only encourage, but also put myself out there a bit further. So much for self-protection.

My resistance had been completely undone
by Your persistently insistent desire to bless me.

You and I went through the same routine everyday at the beach. You always won me over. And You hadn’t said a word. How did you do that?

The Beauty of Repentance

I know Your Word is Powerful. When You speak, something happens.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12, NKJV)

But so is Your Spirit. And I suspect He is Your Method. Both then and now.

… Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6b, NKJV)

The Goodness of Your Presence always causes me to repent – to change my mind. And the Beauty of Repentance is being back in step with You.

Thank You, Papa, for Your Goodness. Your Kindness. Your Gentleness. Your Loving Heart that is ever focused on me as I’m learning to follow.

Your Beloved Daughter

Definition of repentance: Many understand the term repentance to mean “turning from sin.” This is not the biblical definition of repentance. In the Bible, the word repent means “to change one’s mind.”


Why Self-Effort Makes Having a Happy Marriage More Difficult

Looking over my journals for the last 20+ years, I can clearly see how much time I’ve spent whining and begging God to do something for me that He’s already done. I’ve pleaded with Him to be with me, to take care of me, and to bless what I’m trying to do.

In short, I’ve looked at my life from a place of need. Trying to talk God into making my life better, even as I tell Him what it should look like. I’ve determined what the outcome should be, rather than asking Him to show me what He has planned and to teach me how to partner with Him. But that is changing. Quickly.

Taking through self-effort

Many of us use a “Bottom-Up” model that is totally inside outside upside down!

  1. Tell your mate how you feel and what you want.
    Unspoken assumption: I should get what I ask for.
  2. Plead with God (whine & complain) until He listens to you.
    Unspoken assumption: I need to work hard at getting close to God.
  3. Beg God to do something about your spouse and bless your marriage.
    Unspoken assumption: God must fix your mate before you can be happy.

This approach is not only self-focused, it emphasizes all that is wrong.

  • It is past-present focused.
  • And you can’t look behind as you walk
  • because you’ll surely stumble and fall.

Learn a better way in my next post!

How to Live Above Depression & Anxiety

Stress Relief How to Rise Above Stress &AnxietyMost of us experience depression and anxiety everyday. Perhaps not to the point of being “clinically significant.” But enough to drain our energy. We’re down because something hasn’t gone well. And worried about a future that mightn’t be any different.

What if the answer to your current struggles is completely off your map? What if there is more to be gained from your circumstances than you can see? How would you live differently if you knew The Lord has greater plans for your life?

We often adopt one of two ineffective ways of coping with depression and anxiety.

  • If you adopt Survival Mode …
    You’ve already experienced a lot of failure and disappointment. Which has left you with a deep sense of inadequacy. And you have lost all hope. You have resolved to just hang on. To try to create the best life possible in your personal Egypt.
  • If you adopt Management Mode …
    You’ve determined to beat whatever (whomever) has kept you from your Promised Land. You’ve adopted the popular belief that “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.” You fight against yourself. And everyone else. Find ways to whip people into shape. Taking charge is your solution.

But what if The Lord has Something Better in mind?

Your circumstances – everything you face and will ever face – are there to draw you back to The Lord. Even depression and anxiety. He put specific desires in your heart. And He is The Only One Who can fulfill them.

  • He wants more for your life than mere survival.
  • He also knows that if you take charge, you’ll make a big mess.
  • For someone. Probably yourself. And the ones you love.

What if God isn’t answering your prayers because He has Something Better in mind than what you’ve been  praying? Your depression and anxiety are telling you something important. Why not ask Him what He wants to do? Then pray accordingly. He’ll answer that prayer! (1 John 5:14-15)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”

    declares The Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)

And there’s more in store!