The Beauty of Different

The following comment was recently posted in response to “embracing the dance” that I had shared on my social media pages: “I don’t agree with the premise that women want the men to lead.”

I hear that a lot, actually. And I wouldn’t want anyone to spend time learning about something they are opposed to right from the start.

But I do believe that women want the men to lead. They are just afraid their own man won’t step up and do it well. So many guys never get the chance … because they are afraid of failure. And of having her point out his failure.

As you can imagine, it is really hard to have two leaders in a dance. And it doesn’t work well for the woman to take that role.

  • When it’s done well, man and woman operate in unity.
  • The man is more open to her influence & inspired to do and be all he can for her.

It’s a beautiful experience.

What are your thoughts?

Conversing with The Serpent

My last post recounted the beginning of a story. We must understand the real reasons Lucifer had such an intense hatred for Eve.

He didn’t always look like the snake we know him to be today. I’m not sure The Serpent could have attracted Eve’s attention in that state. The Bible describes him as the most beautiful creature God had created. Until Eve, that is.

Lucifer been cast down from heaven due to his pride.
But he wasn’t cursed until he deceived Eve. GENESIS 3:1-6

Suddenly his outward appearance revealed his inward state:
The word ugly is an understatement.

And the serpent was the first to receive a curse.

So The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,
Cursed are you above all livestock
and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.” GENESIS 3:14-15

Being Beautiful

Someone wants you & your family destroyed. He hates you because you are everything he is not:

  • You are created in the image of God.
  • You are a creative life-giver.
  • You are beautiful.

And because he knows his doom is sure.

Before The Beginning, Lucifer was the most beautiful and powerful of all created beings. But he took credit for what had been given him by his Creator. He didn’t want to take orders. He wanted to give them.

In his pride, he thought himself above God.
And, thus, he sealed his own fate.

He was cast down from heaven to earth when it was still without form & void.
As Lucifer watched, God created the earth from nothing.

I wonder what he thought as he saw Adam
being created in the image of God
to rule over earth & sea.

Then Eve. The Beautiful Crown of Creation.
Formed from Adam’s flesh. Also in God’s image.
Revealing a glorious Beauty that Adam didn’t possess.

Equal to Adam, but distinctly different,
Eve was fashioned to reign with her beloved.

But then she engaged in conversation
with a beautiful creature she met in The Garden.

… to be continued.