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Hello. I’m Dr. Debi. I’m passionate about helping Christian couples and single adults find more effective ways to apply biblical principles (values) and the findings of scientific research to everyday life.

  • I worked with men, women, couples, and families in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties in California for 25 years before closing my Clinical Psychology Practice in August 2021.
  • I helped launch numerous Marriage Programs at local churches, training pastors, marriage mentor couples, and mental health professionals who needed help learning to work more effectively with couples.
  • As a mother of three sons, I developed intense interest in and a unique expertise in the Psychology of Men and Marriage.
  • Now living in Central Texas, I am dedicated to teaching and coaching around the world.

My Education & Teaching Experience

In case you’re interested in the details … I earned my Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology at MidAmerica Nazarene University, and my Master of Arts (MA) and Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) at Biola University. I also taught courses at both universities, as well as at Azusa Pacific University from 2002 to 2010.

Author, Educator, Coach, and Founder of A Wise Woman’s Guide.

Here’s how it all began.

For more than a decade, I had been teaching women biblically-sound, research-based info that could help them understand and be in joyful partnership with the men they love.

That task completed (like it ever could be, right?), I decided to conduct a survey to find out what my readers wanted next.

In particular, I wondered how I might find ways to encourage men to build satisfying relationships through leadership filled with confidence and compassion.

The results surprised me.

One man believed I should focus on inspiring and helping men become better leaders.

He suggested I begin by reading his all-time favorite book about “real” manhood.

I took his suggestion seriously.

But as I dove into the text, I realized the author failed to address a man’s need for a woman.

  • He placed the entire burden of responsibility for everything on man alone. 
  • He forgot that God said, “It’s not good for the man to be alone.” Genesis 2
  • He said nothing about how a man could and should partner with his wife.

That’s when I had a “suddenly” moment.
Like you might have heard about from the Bible? The good kind, of course.

Suddenly! I realized that too many men (and women!) don’t fully understand a woman’s value and purpose in today’s world.

Therefore, I continued my mission as-is. To seek deeper understanding of what it means to be a healthy woman in relationship with a man.

Another Suddenly Surprise

Most books and events for women also fail to address partnership with our husbands.

And I had yet another “suddenly” moment. Women, by design, are way more important to life on this earth than any of us have been led to believe! 

Plus, Wisdom itself is personified as a Woman!

Who knew, right? In fact, women are a major theme in the Book of Proverbs. (Both good and bad.) However, this verse jumped out at me first:

The Wise Woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. PROVERBS 14:1

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And I wondered, who is this Wise Woman?

  • How does she think differently than the foolish one?
  • How does she truly feel about her life & love?
  • What does she do differently daily?

That’s why I’m committed to sticking true to my original vision: Helping every woman who is willing and able to become a Wise Woman. 

Healthy Beauty & Romance

A man & woman dancing together in three-quarter time is the best metaphor for – and experience of – Romance.

  • He takes the lead. She follows.
  • He guides & protects her.
  • She inspires & influences him, even as she admires him & makes him look good to anyone who’s watching.

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. ~ Ephesians 5:21

This passage applies to the body of believers in fellowship with one another, so it naturally applies to husbands and wives as well.

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Fred, Dr. Debi, and the Dance With Me Team demonstrate Victorian-style dance at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA.

Music by Spare Parts, used by permission, CD “Returning Heroes,” song “La Cachucha,” available for purchase @ http://www.bfv.com/spareparts/

However, the way husbands & wives submit to one another is easily misunderstood in our current culture. So we teach men & women what mutual submission looks like in the 21st Century. Couples attend to one another’s needs and are responsive to one another in light of his/her unique design and purpose.

Dare to Dream Again

God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing you around but by working within you, His Spirit deeply & gently within you. Ephesians 3:20 (adapted from TPT)