By the time I was 35, I’d collected enough solid evidence to build a case against men. I could see myself as a victim, or I could learn how to make it on my own. In the process, I learned just how capable I was. Without a man in my life. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Continue reading “Who saw THAT coming?”Why I’m a Pragmatist
Being open with all I’ve learned about the Psychology of Men and Marriage, sharing that information with the world online, has elicited some pretty extreme reactions from men and women alike. So I want to clear up the confusion, and remind you that you’re here on my channel for a reason. Figure out what your reason is. And never settle for less than your dream.
Continue reading “Why I’m a Pragmatist”Never Ignore Red Flags
I never ignore the red flags. Instead, I shine a light on them. We talk about what’s really going on. Then we explore ways they could do things differently. All along the way, they are learning about one another.
Continue reading “Never Ignore Red Flags”