Embracing the Dance of Romance with the Congress of Vienna Waltz

Fred and Dr. Debi, and the Dance With Me Team dance the Congress of Vienna Waltz at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA. Vintage dance is stylish, elegant, easy to learn, fun … and very, very romantic.
A man & woman dancing together in three-quarter time is the best metaphor for – and experience of – Romance.
- He takes the lead. She follows.
- He guides & protects her.
- She inspires & influences him, even as she admires him
… and makes him look good to anyone who’s watching.
The Congress of Vienna Waltz is a great way for a man to practice his leadership.
Leadership is the man’s responsibility. He was designed to take the lead. God created him with the innate desire required. A man is born with an innate desire to protect, to guide, to hold the one he loves.
- It is a learning process, to be sure.
- And no man comes into this life with the skills he needs to lead.
- So he will need tons and tons of affirmation all along the way.
Music performed by Bangers and Mash, Breakfast at Fezziwig’s CD, available for purchase at www.bangersandmash.us, used by permission. Choreography by John Hertz.