How to Overcome Anxiety

Sarah Geringer, Christian author and speaker, shares insights and practical tips to help you manage anxiety through the power of God’s Word.


DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a professional evaluation or treatment for emotional and relational concerns. If you are experiencing severe distress or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact a licensed mental health professional for assistance. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

What You Need to Know About Fear

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
JOHN 10:10

Let everything that has breath praise The LordFear (more commonly referred to as anxiety) is your natural physiological response to threat. Your brain goes into survival mode. And survival mode overrides your reason every time. Every. Single. Time.

God created your brain to do that. Automatically.

Fear mobilizes your body to take action, whether that action takes the form of punching your enemy in the face, running for shelter, or freezing to convince him that you are dead. Each is a short-term response.

But is your enemy *hijacking your system?

Sometimes the threat is ongoing. I’ve been in those situations before. Abandonment. Infidelity. Homelessness. And I’ve discovered the critical importance of resetting your system every day, if not moment by moment.

Fear is more contagious than a virus.

Your enemy keeps it going by *hijacking your physiological and emotional responses. You can catch fear without physical contact. He likes to use the media, especially social media.

But you can even catch fear when you’re all alone. Perhaps you’re most susceptible then.

That’s when your enemy reminds you of your past failures and trauma. He wants you to react the way you did in the past. He wants you to live in fear. Constant fear. But he is a liar. And listening to his lies will drive your fear deeper into his pit of despair.

Nevertheless, you have the power to reset your system and overcome the enemy in 3 simple steps.

  1. Breathe. You cannot use your conscious thoughts to reset your system. You must begin with your body. Remember your brain is designed to listen to fear first. Breathing properly will signal your brain that all is well.
    • Do not take deep breaths that make your shoulders rise. That will always increase your fear response. Instead, breathe from you diaphragm.
    • Lie on your back with a pillow under your knees (NOT under your head) and a book on your belly button. Slowly push the book toward the ceiling by taking in air. Lower the book by slowly exhaling. Repeat the sequence for 4 minutes 4 times per day or as often as needed.
  2. Believe. As you quiet your body, use your mind to remind God (but mostly yourself) of His promises.
    • Choose one Bible verse. Or picture Jesus in the room with you. Focus on Him as you breathe.
    • This will begin to “cement” what you are telling your body with the Truth of who He is.
  3. Become. Once you have aligned your body and your mind with what God is doing, you possess the power of an overcomer.
    • You can think more clearly. Fully mobilize your cognitive functions.
    • You have the power to become part of the solution.
    • Not only for yourself. But also for others.

Test these reset steps for yourself.

Practice these steps for the next 24 hours. Then let me know how you’re doing. I’m here to help.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord. PSALM 150:6

*To hijack means to unlawfully seize something that is in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one’s own purposes.

How to Cope with Crisis

Have you ever wondered why some couples pull together during a crisis, whereas others are driven apart?

This video will help you discover ways to better face any crisis together.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12