Making Sense of Men & Marriage
For the record, I love men.
I started studying them
when I was 4 years old.
Now I have three grown sons
and three not-yet-grown grandsons.
And one particular man
whom I absolutely adore.
He has the power to melt my heart.
And that’s the very best part for me.
Because I am a Hopeful Romantic
who believes anything is possible
with God. Matthew 19:26
But for the first half of my life,
I was thoroughly confused by men.
My father was absent from my life for 37 years.
And my first two marriages (Yikes! Did I just say that out loud?) ended in divorce.
For years I believed
all of that was my fault.
Then I started studying men from a very different angle: as a Psychologist and Couples Counselor.
And I was amazed by what I learned about the psychology of men and marriage: It’s all about the girl really.
A woman is created to be his inspiration.
That’s what God had in mind.
Even in the Garden of Eden.
And she has the power to influence him
in ways she doesn’t realize.
No, she’s not responsible for all that he does.
Those are his choices to make.
However, she does have the responsibility to learn how what she says & does influence his choices. In fact, she was created for this. And so was he.
The Simple Truth about Men & Romance
I love helping the boy win back his girl.
I love helping the girl find her heart’s desire.
Because it’s all about the girl, really.
She was created for him. She is his inspiration.
She has the power to influence who he is.
And I’m here to teach her
how to use her influence wisely.
… the man was not created because the woman needed him;
the woman was created because the man needed her.
1 Corinthians 11:9
God said, “It’s not good for the man to be alone.”
God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man. Genesis 2:21-22, The Message