Don’t Fight Your Lead!

memories swing team psychology of men

You know I love to dance, right? Well, our wonderful friends on the Memories Swing Team offered to teach me the Lindy Hop. And I finally took them up on it one Monday. What a blast!

Because I’ve already learned to dance many different styles, I jumped into the Intermediate Class. I learned the count (6 or 8) and just followed my lead.

If he was strong and confident, our dance went smoothly.

When I danced with one of the less experienced dancers, it was a bit more of a challenge. But it gave me a chance to encourage and bless … mostly with smiles and laughter.

How cool is that?

Chatting with one of the Team members later,
I related my feelings about my first lesson.  His reply?

[callout]“You’re a good follow because you aren’t afraid to let go of control.
You don’t fight your lead.”[/callout]

That’s a good idea for all of us. Right ladies?
A man is expected to take the lead in life,
and he’s responsible for the outcome.

Men need to let go of control as well.
They need to give control to the Lord and learn to follow Him.

A bit of wisdom from the dance floor: The psychology of men makes them a good lead in Christian marriage. So, Ladies, let’s not distract our men from the Lord’s leadership by trying to take over the dance. Just smile and enjoy, affirming them when they get it right.

Today’s Thought …
Don’t Fight Your Lead.

It makes warfare much harder on the enemy!

… in order that Satan might not outwit us.
For we are not unaware of his schemes. (
2 Corinthians 2:11)

Lessons from the Dance Floor


Whether you’re young or old, you need to learn about mutual submission in Christian marriage: It’s the Beauty of the Dance of Romance!

It’s the guy’s role to make the dance an enjoyable experience for his girl. So he needs to pay close attention to what she likes and what she isn’t comfortable with.

But he can’t take responsibility for pleasing you if you’re always one step ahead of him. You have to let him lead.

That is, your goal is to get into sync with his rhythm. And you do that for one reason:

It will build his confidence as your leader.

No, he won’t get it right all the time. And neither will you. You’re both learning.

If he’s your husband – or you want him to be – it’s even more important that you learn how to encourage his leadership, especially when he’s off a bit. You could give him feedback, but he can tell by the expression on your face when he’s off. He’s way more sensitive to that than you realize.

The best part, however, is that when he’s “off” you get the opportunity to pray for him and to trust the Lord, Who is responsible for leading your lead.

How cool is that?

A Woman’s Influence

a womans influence

For some time now, I have believed that we women have far more influence than many of us realize. Many words have been used to describe this phenomenon. But, simply put, men cannot resist us. At least, not for very long.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave himself up for her …
                         ~ Ephesians 5:25

When you understand how much you mean to him and know how to fulfill your purpose in his life, any man with reasonable emotional health responds naturally with all the love and tenderness you desire from him.

[callout]Yes, for those of you who are wondering,
most men are reasonably healthy.[/callout]

They just express it differently than we do.
And isn’t that what draws us to them in the first place?
What we love so much about them? What we adore?


  • What methods do most women use to influence men today?
  • Do men respond well to their woman’s influence?
  • Or do they tune her out?

Learn more with
Quick Start Guide to Understanding Men