We used to sing in Sunday School: “Everybody ought to know who Jesus is.” Although most of us have head knowledge about Jesus and believe His is the Son of God, many of us don’t really know how to connect with Him.
[callout]I’m still getting to know who Jesus is.
And for Jesus, it’s all about connection.[/callout]
Connection is equally important for you and your mate.
When I was a professor, I would tell my students not to look for the perfect person to marry. But to marry the one person they would be willing to spend a lifetime getting to know. Because it takes that long. And when you stop trying to get to know your mate, you have already disconnected.
Disconnection occurs long before conflict.
Dr. Sue Johnson, noted marital therapist and researcher, affirms that it isn’t conflict that causes problems in a marriage, … it’s the lack of connection.
- At what point did you disconnect?
- And what are God’s thoughts?
- Have you asked Him?
In the beginning, God created us
and established his own particular order for things.
He knew it’d go sideways. No big surprise to Him that we’d have trouble with obedience. That is, we’d want life on our own terms … until we could fully comprehend the Beauty of a life lived on His terms.
At the core, we are …
- disconnected from God.
- disconnected from what He designed us to be and enjoy.
- and disconnected from who we are and who our mate is to us.
Our Father is motivated by Love. Indeed, He is Love.
And in His Love, He says …
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found
… and will bring you back to the place
from which I carried you into exile.”
(Jeremiah 29:11-14)
Here are some “connection” questions to ask The Lord …
- How do you see me? Wait for His answer. Then write it down.
- What do you want for me? Wait for His answer. Then write it down.
- How can I partner with You to become the person You had in mind when you created me? Wait for His answer. Then write it down.
NOTE: You probably won’t get all your answers in one sitting. But rest assured that The Lord loves to talk to his children (John 10:27). So if He doesn’t answer initially, you can be sure He will eventually.