There’s a Love Story inside each of us. Our Heavenly Father put it there Himself. However, the father of lies has been messing with our minds since … well, for a very long time. He tells us that we’re not lovable and/or that other people don’t or won’t love us. And he gets away with it for awhile, mostly because we don’t know or fully realize the Truth about who we are in Jesus.
Have you been following this story?
So many things had happened that shaped how she saw herself. First she lost her daddy before she turned 3 years old. By the age of 7, she began to experience intense shame for who she was.
Now she was 14 … and living alone. The kitchen sink was full of sewage. No one knew, but her … and the Lord. Instead of crying, she plunged. And plunged some more. And as she plunged, she sang aloud every hymn she’d ever learned. How Great Thou Art. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. Glorious Freedom. All four verses of every song she knew.
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
Sing his mercy and his grace
In the mansions bright and blessed
He’ll prepare for us a place.When we all get to Heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We’ll sing and shout the victory.
Instead of singing and plunging her way through her fears, she should have told someone so they could call a plumber. It all seems pointless now. Or does it? How could she have made it through such a dark time without the Lord?
Many times throughout the years, life struggles would cause her to question the reliability of His love for her. But she always knew He was there.
[callout]I know this story well.
Because it’s mine.[/callout]
However, these are only a few chapters of my story … chapters that have their origins in early life experiences and beliefs I’d held about who I was. There have been many more chapters since then. You can read more of them here.
But, best of all, I am learning that the best chapters are still ahead for me.