Thank You, Jesus, for what You have done and for what You are doing through The Holy Spirit in us. I believe everything You’ve said to me. Help my unbelief.
One issue I’ve always been unclear on is how much is my responsibility and how much is Yours.
You get the Lion’s share. You determine the Path and the Pace. My job is to follow and keep in step with you.
That means I get to focus on being held by You.
To feel the Rhythm and Passion of Your Heartbeat.
To listen for Your Whispers.
And prepare to be surprised by what You say to me.
That is, not assume I know where we’re going and take off without You.
I wonder what this Process is like for a Man.
Much the same as it is for a Woman, I think, with the added
responsibility to translate Your Leadership into the Here-and-Now.
A man leads his Woman as You lead him:
with Compassion, Tenderness, and Confidence.
He submits to You. And she submits to him.
Knowing You’re at work in both.
You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of The Grace of Life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
Learn more about The Grace of Life in these online articles:
Marital Harmony
by Pastor John MacArthur
Heirs Together of the Grace of Life
by Pastor Jack Hayford