I love, love, love watching these couples waltz! They provide the perfect picture of what it means to lead and what it means to follow. Here’s why …
Continue reading “A man who knows how to lead”Psychology of Men, Women, & Marriage
What Works, What Doesn’t, & Why | Dr. Debi Smith, PsyD
I love, love, love watching these couples waltz! They provide the perfect picture of what it means to lead and what it means to follow. Here’s why …
Continue reading “A man who knows how to lead”Are you a Christian man?
God created you to take the lead in your family.
That does not mean you get to steamroll everyone.
It does mean that you get to learn how to be more confident, compassionate, & tenderhearted toward your wife and/or kids.
Be a good husband to your wife. Honor her. Delight in her. She is different than you, to be sure. But you share equally in the grace of life because of Christ. Treat her well so that nothing will hinder your prayers. 1 Peter 3
Fathers, don’t frustrate your children with no-win scenarios. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master. Ephesians 6:4
I think we’d all agree that this quarantine is lasting longer than expected. People are getting more and more anxious. Frustrated. Impatient. How are you doing today?
Peter said, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
However, when resolution is delayed or not going the way you want it to go, your emotions will prompt you to take back your burdens & your fears.
Because YOUR solutions are always filtered through your SHAME!
Whereas His plans for you are so much greater than you can imagine.
Instead of your former shame
you will receive a double portion,
& instead of your past humiliation
you will rejoice in your inheritance.
Because He fully intends to give you
a double portion of His goodness right where you are,
& everlasting joy really can be yours.
[Dr. Debi’s “amplified” version]
Yes, it is time we lay all of our burdens & our pain at Jesus’ feet.
Leave everything that concerns you in His hands. Let go.
He has promised you & He will do it!
God is not human.
He does not lie or
change His mind.
Does He speak & then not act?
Does He promise & not fulfill?
Hope deferred
makes the heart sick.
But a longing fulfilled
is a tree of life!