I love, love, love watching these couples waltz! They provide the perfect picture of what it means to lead and what it means to follow. Here’s why …
- The man is responsible for leading his lady around the dance floor, protecting her from running into another couple & providing a pleasurable experience for his princess.
- The woman is responsible to watch out for his “blind side” as he turns & to send him a silent, subtle signal if someone is moving into his path.
- Each couple turns clockwise as they move counter clockwise around the floor. Just like the Teacups at Disneyland!
Waltzing is like riding the Teacups at Disneyland, only exponentially more thrilling because you’re connecting with the one you love in the most romantic way.
Watch this clip to see how each couple has only one leader. Both the man and the woman have confidence in one another. How cool is that?
(Yes, the video will play, even if the posted image looks a little strange.)