A Man’s Passion for Life

Without a doubt, a wife’s decision to submit to her husband doesn’t get the best press in today’s culture. Such a woman is thought to be a bit on the crazy side … or not too bright. But nothing could be further from the Truth!

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
the church and gave himself up for her ….
                         ~ Ephesians 5:25

Yes, Scripture instructs a woman to live for her husband.

But when you read the entirety of Ephesians 5, you realize she doesn’t have the more difficult role. Her husband does … because he must be willing to die for her!

The simple fact of the matter is that nothing inspires a godly man more than experiencing the Beauty of his wife.

  • He’s naturally drawn to her strength as she basks in the Joy of the Lord.
  • His heart and soul are softened by the Fruit of the Spirit flowing from her.

And as she chooses to honor him as her leader – to submit to him out of trust and respect for who he is and for who he is becoming – the fullness of his Passion for life automatically propels him forward toward his destiny!

To fulfill his God-Given Purpose in life,
a man must access his Male Passion.

And a wise woman knows how to build up her husband and thereby increase his Masculine Passion to fuel the Power he needs to Produce results.


  • Have you observed any couples who live this way today?
  • How do they do it?
  • Have you asked?