Row or Sail?

Are you rowing your marriage boat? Being a husband takes effort. Learning what to say & how to say it & when. Building (or restoring) a marriage based on psychology is like rowing. Possible. But full of self-effort. Exhausting.

How ’bout you start sailing instead?

Sailing will get you there faster & focus your effort on steering instead.
Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit will give you the power you need.

  1. He will tell you things you didn’t know.
  2. Allow Him to transform you by renewing your mind.
  3. Believe His word. Trust His direction. Navigate in His presence.

JEREMIAH 33:3 | ROMANS 12:2 | EXODUS 33:15

Stop imitating the ideals & opinions of the culture around you. Instead be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying & perfect in His eyes. ROMANS 12:2

NOTE: Today’s News was inspired by my friend Dan. (No, we’re not related. In case you’re wondering.)

The Wind & the RudderHow to Live in the Power of the Spirit Without Becoming Weird

by Dan Smith

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