I love the movies. Stories – written or told aloud – of transformation. Consider the hero of any great story … on the Big Screen or in The Bible.
- Fictional heroes, like Luke Skywalker & The Karate Kid …
- Or real ones, like Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Saul, Peter, Paul …
- The story of each one’s transformation follows a familiar pattern:
In the beginning, the hero wants something he doesn’t have.
Think of it as his God-given desire.
- But he is weak, afraid, unwilling to take action, & in desperate need of help.
- He believes he is incapable. He is filled with self-doubt & not sure he can get the job done.
Then the hero encounters The Guide.
- The Guide has already conquered the demons of the hero.
- The Guide does not change. He is fixed.
- He stays the same because He has already arrived.
- He is incredibly empathic & gives the hero a way out of his pain.
- In so doing, He empowers the hero to become what he is destined to be.
At the end of the story, the hero has been transformed.
- The hero is capable, confident, transformed, different.
- He has become more like The Guide.
You are the hero of your story.
And Jesus is Your Guide.
Listen to His Voice & allow His Presence
to transform you into the hero you were born to be.
You were buried with Him through Baptism into death.
Just as Christ was raised from the dead to The Father’s glory,
so you too get to live a New Life! ROMANS 6:4
You are in Christ & the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new you is here! 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
“I am making you new!” REVELATION 21:5