Have you ever wondered how to get your husband to do more around the house? It’s the number one thing women say they want from their man. So why are we so unsuccessful at eliciting his help? Because we miss the most important factor!
I recently read an impassioned post on Instagram. This lovely young woman had been away at work all day only to come home to chaos.
- She took a time out, regrouped, and restarted.
- Her husband went to the gym.
Her advice to women is that they don’t have to do everything perfectly. But it was clear she’d been trying really hard to do just that.
What is the One Thing she could have done that would have made all the difference for her and for her family?
Honestly, as an expert in male psychology, I wasn’t the least bit surprised when she stated, “… then my husband said in the middle of the chaos he was going to the gym.” Men hate confrontation … and women’s angry expectations that men support them in the madness to make everything perfect.
The Truth is:
- Help around the house is NOT the number one thing every woman wants.
- What she really wants is to be valued. cherished. loved. more than anything else.
And her husband wants to be her priority as well. Not treated like an employee … or worse yet … one of the kids who needs to get in line with the program.
How to Get Your Husband to Do More Around the House?
When you make your husband – your relationship with your husband – your first priority, he will value, cherish, love you more than anything else on the face of this earth. And he will begin to do more around the house … without being asked.
Learn how to make him your priority without losing yourself!
A Wise Woman’s Guide to Life & Love by Dr. Debi Smith