For a long time now, I’ve been passionately trying to help women make sense of the men they love. Some have understood. But many others are stuck. Why is that?
I knew there was a missing piece. But what was it?
Slowly I have begun to realize that the missing piece concerns my optimism about where we are as women. I have erroneously assumed that women already have the foundation they needed. I forgot how much work I did (and still do) to establish and maintain my own foundation.
Roots must grow before a plant can sprout and bear fruit.

We’re no different.
For the past decade, I have been focusing on the gem of Partnership without giving the other gems their due. That is changing. Starting today.
We women must reclaim our Inner Territory, the place where we develop our Identity.
Then we are ready to claim the Outer Territory of Connection.
It’s simple, yet complex.
Because we move among the gems of life (see graphic) in what often feels like randomness, but is actually a predictable pattern.
We women need discernment to know where we are in the process … and what to do about it.
The underlying assumptions of my approach to Life & Love are based in my belief in Our Creator, as well as my understanding of psychology’s Theory of Attachment.
- You need a Constant. Someone Who is Available & Responsive to your needs.
- Someone Who is your Safe Haven. Who can heal your broken heart, restore your soul, and fill your spirit with divine confidence.
- Someone Who is your Secure Base. Who gives you His wisdom and teaches you to partner with another to bring His goodness to the earth.
Men need deep roots, too.
And I’m planning to write for men as well. But because I am a woman, I’m going to begin with us. And because women have more powerful influence than we realize in the life of the men we love: husbands and fathers, sons and nephews, coworkers and friends.
Watch for more info in my next post!
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