A Woman of Noble Character is Blessed. She is grateful for all that she has and for the woman she is. She knows she’s earned some of it. But much of what she has and who she is has been a gift. Her genetics, her family, where she lives. It may not all be good, but everything and everyone have played a role in her development. And for that, she is thankful.
She shares her blessings with others.
She believes she has been blessed to be a blessing, not to selfishly lord her gifts and her successes over others. She mentors other women, encouraging them to become the heroines of their own stories.
She receives and gives love without reservation.
She is patient and kind. She does not envy what others have, and she never brags about what she has or what she’s accomplished. Instead, she honors others and their unique journeys. She doesn’t keep track of others’ mistakes or offenses. She doesn’t gossip about others’ misfortune. She always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.